Oh, hi there! You must be that new bug in town I've heard buzzing around. I'd be tickled pink to get to spend more time with a cutie bug like you. It'll be a blast, I prom-ant it! Now come on in, don't be shy. There's no need to bug out when you can let your wings down and bee yourself here. What happens between us bugs stays between us bugs, know what I mean?
Alright, enough AI-generated bug puns, Matara Kan and Porn/Nijihub clothing loras have been released from their cocoon.
https://mega.nz/folder/47Yj3ZIS#klaoBwVZI_u5DbjmCjkqRQ/folder/UyBlnD6Jhttps://mega.nz/folder/47Yj3ZIS#klaoBwVZI_u5DbjmCjkqRQ/folder/ZiJ2nBTCMatara's design is fairly complicated, so frankly this lora is more dogshit then usual for me. The pornhub clothes lora is unfinished, but I'll fix it later.
This is a lie. It gets "hub" pretty consistently but what's on the other side is a bit of a gamble since I was too lazy to set up activation tags to fully separate clothes that actually read pornhub from the parodies of it other then for nijihub.