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I am so tired of waiting. Waiting for him to stream regularly again, waiting for him to return for good no more breaks and shit. I am just so fucking frustrated, angry and upset. I don't know where to vent all these feelings aside from crying my eyes out whenever it feels like it would overflow. Among the boys, he's the only one not yet back in their regular groove. November is already half done and soon December will arrive. He will be back in Japan again for Nijifes and he'd be gone for a few weeks to celebrate the holidays with his family. Fucking hell. Am I supposed to feel this way for the remainder of the fucking year??? I have to deal with this shit till 2024????? I want to beat something up. I am trying my best to be understanding because there are things that I am not aware of behind the scenes. But it's been really hard lately... he streams sometimes but it never feels sufficient because he's been gone for a long time. Everything just feels lacking because all of his absences are just bundling up together making it feel like he's been gone for a goddamn year instead of weeks. How do people even deal with this? I am sick of crying. Sick of trying to act like it's fine even when it's not really fine. I know he's at Japan doing God knows what but isn't this too much???? Why can't he just fucking stream again it's so fucking frustrated I don't know what to do I want to scream at him to punch him to break his legs just to make him feel the suffering I've been through the past months. I am just so fucking tired man... so fucking exhausted. Call me a selfish bitch but I don't fucking care. Japan trip was a fucking mistake. 3D fucking sucks. Management events can all fuck off. It's not fucking worth it if you're not living in Japan. I do care about him achieving stuff and doing all the things he wanted to do in Japan but it's just too much at this point. The others are not as occupied as he is. They have schedules uploaded already. I can't even believe myself for thinking that perhaps being unable to go to Japan is a better choice at this point in time. He's gone but he never says why he's gone. He never fucking explains shit and expect us to just understand. I mean I do understand him, I know that he's careful about releasing statements that may arouse expectations from the people but he can just say something so unspecific and that would be enough. I just want him to come back... i want to watch him play games again... i want to listen to his autistic rambles again... it's been so lonely lately. I can't stop myself from crying while typing all this shit out. Maybe hoping for regular streams is all but a dream now. I will never get to enjoy him daily again because he's always fucking away.