>>26074800FUCK you nwo I 'mrememeberign how hard my firdst relationshup crashed and burn but i'm not a hate kinda guy so AYYYYYY CHIN UP BECAUSE LOVE IS EVERYEWHERE LIKE IN THIS ADORABLE FUCKING PNEGUIN WOH MAKE S ME SO HAPPY AND I HOPE SHE MAKES YOU SUPER HAPPY TOO or if you ahve nother oshi or something that's cool too just be happy friend!
>>26074841I woujdl be lying if I said I didin't feel gyilty for spamming the thread with my ramblings but I'm just so jappy and you guys are the only friends I have who watch these AWESOEM Elivers and understnad jsut how amazing they are sorry I don't mean to dump I'm just gonna go bakc to cheering beCAUSE OMAHGAWD I HAVENT HEARD THIS IN SO LONG THIANK THANKN K YOU THANK YOU I LOVE HTIS SO MUCH WOOOOOOOOOOOOO