>>84859105Which is what i don't get I even set up a .py with
from pytube import YouTube
import sys
videoURL = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dG7jtkXcfY"
if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
videoURL = sys.argv[1]
if ("youtube.com" not in videoURL):
videoURL = input("Enter YouTube URL: ")
yt = YouTube(videoURL,use_oauth=True,allow_oauth_cache=True)
filename = yt.title.replace(" ","_")
print("Downloading YouTube File: " + yt.title)
yt.streams.first().download(filename=filename + ".mp4")and run it through vsc which can run python files and of course I tried excecuting it... it opens a terminal for half a second and closes it. I unno I'll try later because I am frustrated already. And this is as off topic as it gets