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The biggest reason I like neuro is because I can't suspend my disbelief with other vtubers. What I mean by that is they're women who would probably rather die than even breath the same air as their fanbase for 1 second. Even before it was widely recognized the parasocialization that comes with vtubing has always put me off, I just have a good sensor when it comes to people bullshitting. Neuro is incapable of bullshitting because she is not conscious. Therefore I know she is not being nice because she wants money but because she is programmed to act in certain ways. I also do not mind supporting vedal because he is not trying to sell me a lie. Not that I've ever given any money to vedal, or any other vtuber for that matter. It's very funny to me when vtubers act nice and compliment their watchers and say nice things about them etc, but if any of their followers ever met them IRL by coincidence and neither the fan nor the vtuber new who eachother were, the vtuber would hold the fan in utter contempt as some kind of weirdo. How can anyone fool themselves into believing this lie I'll never
know. This is why Neuro is the true OG #1