Okay, I just sat through that entire thread. Ennaschizo was particularly embarassing this time. Let's take a look.
As usual, this is preceded by me calling out his Ennaschizo posts, which always triggers a pivot to other timeloops. Very predictable behavior at this point.
>>44606765Tries to trigger a gender war with a post that's way too wordy for this board's zoomer audience. Even tosses in a dash of numberfagging.
>>44606869With the same typing style, pivots to trying to start a Rosebud-Dragoon tribal war after seeing his previous post fail. I never see rosebuds type like this, so I don't know why he thought this would work.
>>44606964Then he samefags that post with this one, bringing up Petra to try and trigger white knight Pentomo. Sad and pathetic.
>>44607257Typical, that post gets no (You)s either, so he samefags AGAIN to bump it. I can't believe this is anyone's oshi.
Anyway, he fucks off after this one. Even though White Knight Pentomo shows up to respond like an idiot after some time passes. This is just more evidence that Ennaschizo is a complete attention whore who's only interest is thread celebrity status.
He's also in this thread trying to trigger a fanbase war, but I'm sure you can all see that yourself.