Not Yuzu Edition
>jong sources:>Recent jong streams>Some jong chuubas (WIP)EN: to suggest someone? Post a link to main channel, rank, and a 100px height image !
>Jong news: Path Of Exile- Steam client is out. Be sure to friend your favorite jonger so you can groom them in DMs
- Khubie
- Doragon's latest video:>Kaavi's fortuneToday's lucky yaku is...Junchan! Anon, junchan is a surprisingly good yaku! While only worth two han when opened, being constituted of outer tiles makes it very easy to call and with waits on tiles most other players won't want! Suji traps are easily set and will bring great peril to your opponents. This hand can be surprisingly fast, as any terminal pair can be quickly pon'd =! Worst case, you abandon junchan for chanta with honor or yakuhai! What a surprising yaku that few utilize to it's full potential.
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