>>94869708para would like to thank the baachi who timestamps essie's ASMR because she likes to check out little events like her cat showing up
>>para enjoys essie's chu-chus...>WLEL YOU NKOWW YOU NWOW>afasfsfhl>its not because im a girl that i have to be the one giving chus... sometimes a girl also lieks getting chus from her favorite vtuber *gay giggle*>>ASMR is gooner chuuba stuff anyway>that's what i used to thing at first but>been checking out PillowDear recently and she's really really good at it and she doesnt do any gooner stuff>im not into asmr but>>thought you hated asrm>i really like listenign to sound engineer make sound effects like using veggetables to produce a sound like school crushing (shes talking abotu skulls)she's been talking about ASMR for 30 minutes
and JUST LIKE THAT by PURE COINCIDENCE her YT memberships are back