>>8340834I'll skim the vod later. As a preliminary opinion...
Idol voice is awful. Watching her try and fail to fake an American accent is painful. Whoever told her to not just be a cute Aussie was either retarded or malicious. Maybe both.
Also, her taste in games and anime is garbage (at least what was up when I entered the stream and couldn't rewind).
Sana doesn't sound especially fun or interesting. She also sounds terrified of being herself and appears to be trying to conform to some sort of unnatural, artificial persona that fits horribly. It's pure cringe. Did she not practice her streamer persona or get any feedback? What even is Cover's standard pre-debut procedure?
I remember mori's debut. It was a trainwreck but in a fun way. This isn't fun. I just can't even.
Genuinely fucked off without looking back when she got to astrology. Hard pass. As a man, I prefer sciences as hard as I get during Botan's streams.