Flare is racist, or at the very least very conscious of being perceived as having dark skin.
>Her initial avatar has dark skin>She swaps to a new one and never mentions her old avatar>Fans keep asking her why she won't go back>There's a clip of her talking about how she just doesn't like it for "personal reasons" (despite the fact that it is almost identical to her new avatar, the default versions both wear the same outfit)>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhRqpYX8zvs>All footage of her old avatar seems to have been scrubbed from the internet>She gets upset when people call her a "dark elf" or "brown elf". She always corrects them and says she is simply an "elf">She is Japanese and Japanese people have a beauty standard where they hold pale skin on a pedestalI don't have enough evidence to make a rock-solid case, but the pieces are there.
Flare is a racist and wants people to think she has light skin.