>>39914546I have tried to read this, but i am confused, i think.
What nation is this for?
How is Lac Royale a freshwater lake? I thought you need rivers for those?
There are also a lot of words i don't get, like what are Anyites or Ollites or Agnami Caliphate or Deuxlunesia?
Also, how does Lac Vézère being ice climate work? Can you do it the other way too and have a lake be really warm for its surroundings?
Also, i understand that there were different nations at one point? Are you like /OKFAMS/? Is that why you have so many languages?
Also, how does the «La naissance d’une nation» happen? Did Marie III tell them they are now one nation and what is the Empire?
I also cannot find the part for culture, is that gone?
Also is Light Industry the proper term for handicraft stuff and you also make them? Can we share handicraft?