Quoted By:
Ollie's Member's Only "Drawing" (Guitair) Stream(s)
>Draws with her finger on her phone
>Drawing yab letter emotes
>Hates slowmode but has to use it because tons of people are spamming non-stop (specifically Indonesians are spamming her for not speaking enough Indonesian, despite her speaking it often, and SOME English speakers. "Sometimes it's the Indonesians that frustrates me a lot.")
>She's a very good "roaster" despite how nice she seems
>MAJOR YAB. Phone number leak. Highly unlikely it was her phone number though, but it was a number. Happened fast and she ended the stream right after. Hopefully the DOGS didn't clip or screenshot anything.
*New Stream Starts*
>Wanted to be a voice actress before joining Hololive. Wanted to dub in Japanese and not in Indonesian, and voice act animes in Japan. Love Live inspired her the most. Couldn't go to Japan for the school to do VA because her family couldn't afford it. Became so desperate to achieve her dream she started seriously considering H voice acting. Died and auditioned for Hololive becasue she thought it was her last chance of becoming a voice actress.
>Making a project for Astel's birthday (probably a song). I'm getting a strong Matsuri like vibe whenever she mentions him. That may just be me being autistic though.
*Stream Changes into a Guitar Learning Stream*
>"I know it's my first time but it kind of hurts."