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TL;DR: Estimates for AnyColor's vtuber remuneration based on Cover Corp's best, average, and worst rates for estimated nonlivestreaming remuneration. 6 pics in total.
1) Cover Reporting
2) Estimates for AnyColor
3) Graph of total estimated remuneration
4) Graph estimated nonlivestreaming remuneration
5) Graph of remuneration as a % of total revenue
6) Graph of remuneration as a % of Cost of Sales/Direct Variable Costs
The three lines provides a range for AnyColor's vtuber remuneration if they had similar rates to Cover Corp with 53.52% being the best, 28.31% being the worst, and 44.39% being average.
>Lot of Autism
Although, AnyColor doesn't report vtuber remuneration, the other company does. Remuneration can be broken down into two parts, livestreaming and nonlivestreaming. Remuneration from livestreaming is easier to deal with since both companies report total livestreaming revenue. Common consensus is the split is 35/35/30, although with the recent vids on ad rev, it's probably slightly less given that the split for YouTube ads is something like 27.5/27.5/45.
>Livestreaming Remuneration
Livestreaming Revenue * 35%
>Nonlivestreaming Remuneration
For Cover, this is just the difference between reported remuneration and estimated livestreaming remuneration. For AnyColor though, total remuneration isn't reported. So instead, I'll just estimate a range using Cover Corp's numbers. Steps as follows:
1) Estimate livestreaming remuneration (Cover Corp) (Column E)
2) Estimate non-livestreaming remuneration (Cover Corp) (Column G)
3) Estimate the percentage of total remuneration from non-livestreaming sources (Cover Corp) (Column H)
This percentage is useful because we can then estimate nonlivestreaming remuneration and total for AnyColor. Steps as follows, AnyColor chart will show details:
1) Estimate livestreaming remuneration (Column E)
2) Estimate total remuneration. This is done by dividing livestreaming remuneration by 1 - % of remuneration from nonlivestreaming (Column F)
3) Estimate nonlivestreaming remuneration by finding the difference of E and F (Column G)
>What does step 2 mean?
If 25% of remuneration is from nonlivestreaming sources, 75% or 1-25% of remuneration is from livestreaming sources. For example, if 300MM yen of remuneration was from livestreaming, we divide that by 1-25% or 75% to get 400MM. In other words, 400MM total remuneration, 300MM or 75% of 400MM livestreaming remuneration, and 100MM or 25% of 400MM nonlivestreaming remuenration.