>>24134374I love souls streams so much, especially when it's from a streamer I love. Similar to the journey of an idol where they start from nothing and chase their dreams, improving along the way, Souls is an experience where you start shit and getting whooped by even the weakest of bosses, but constantly improve in skill until you're taking on literal gods.
If I seem overly judgemental or harsh on people who play like Lui-nee do, it's not out of malice or anything. I genuinely want to see them put under pressure. It's when someone is put under immense pressure in a souls game and stay determined that you can visibly see them overcoming their weaknesses. Certain things click in their mind and they immediately improve as a result. As an example, Ina said early on in her ER streams during a boss fight, "It's like a dance." Once she said that, she started whooping ass. It's those moments that make these streams.