>>1764681I don't know if they deserved it or not but I DO know that whatever happened, happened. Facts or naive rrats don't really matter at this point. We can't reverse time or truth, anon.
Cover pulled out of the political landmine that is China thanks to the immense success of their English branch. They are doing way better than they ever did in the overseas market and probably keep on doing so for the years to come.
Likewise, old CN girls are all doing fine without Cover's backing.
Artia and Rosalyn both found their places in an acquaintance's vtuber agency with their old fanbases following them. Civia is now an indie with her own management team. Yogiri, if she really is the chestnut girl, got accepted into the group that made her 3D debut possible and it looks like she can keep on singing to her heart's content. Echo is having fun with her nintendo games and she already ordered a proper Live2D model even though it's taking time to arrive. Doris... well, she was a ticking time bomb. Caused her own downfall. That's her own problem.
So let's put all of this to rest, OP. We both know that there was no need to make a thread like this.