>>20614388>>20475327/nasfaqg/ rep here.
>What percentage of an answer should said answer have for it to take effect, ie >50%, >60%, >70% etc50%.
>What happens if no answer passes the threshold? Revote with no Abstain option, vote fails, other suggestion?Revote, no Abstains.
>What happens in a two-way or three-way tie?Revote, no Abstains. On a revote, a tie means that it fails.
>What happens if the majority Abstains/is Undecided?Vote fails.
>Do we want a rep to be responsible for making posts like this one, where matters are voted on? Y/NYes. Previously abstained, but few people are actually interested to work to do this.
>Should there be a unified name for the planet across all nations? Y/NYes, for the sake of consistency. All nations are free to have a different name for it, a "regional" one.
>Should /fbk/'s and /mion/'s locations be swapped? Y/NNeither nations are present in the thread. Abstain.
>Should this be put on hold until the end of the month to check again, or should /aa/ get a nation but /israel/ does not?Put it on hold. See if the threads last or if they are interested in /vtwbg/.
>Should we decide on further parameters, or reduce this to a discussion point and suggest lore when necessary?Reduce to discussion. I don't see this as being crucial.
>If/When a land changes owner, or when a piece of Chuubanite leaves the Area of Influence of its related deity, does the it lose it's powers and qualities (decaying slowly, as per /meat/, still counts as this) or does it keep them but no more of that type of Chuubanite is generated in the area?Lack of worship would make it lose its powers over time. The question is, though, what happens in neutral threads or threads without a specific chuuba?
>Steam trains? Y/NNo. A widespread train network crushed pre-existing notions of economy and world tech. I'd be fine with something like a single line existing with an explanation why it cannot be spread further, but it's a genuinely world-changing technology if universally applied.
>Vote suggestions can be made by everyone, obviously, however what about requesting to amend proposals that have reached a conclusion? Should amendments to previous proposals be able to be initiated? Y/NYes.
>Should those suggestions for amendment require a set number of reps to be initiated, or can they be initiated by any anon?Anons can suggest it freely.
>Following the above, how many recommendations should an amendment suggestion require before being put to vote?Three is reasonable.
>Should the land acquisition of /who/ over /uuu/ be voided? Y/NYes. First of all, it would remove the double standard from outrage over /infinity/-/risu/ protectorate situation. Secondly, we should protect inactive (no reps) threads from being taken advantage of.