>>47530397This reminds me of a funny story actually
>Be me>16>used to work at a six flags as a teen, ride operator. >It was a wooden ride that required 2 operators to press a button to send the coaster out the station. >In the front row there was this white haired teen, small and actually looked and sounded uncannily like gura, white hair and all. >Unlike gura she was a bitch, and spat at me for not letting her keep her purse on the ride. while calling me a virgin jew I'm italian but had curley hair >Eventually get the fatherless broken condom spawn to give me her purse, pop it in the bin, and send the ride off.>3-4 minutes of normies enjoying the rickety hag equivalent of a ride later, theyre in the pre return area, before the que> Beverly hills Same Sticks her foot out the godamn coaster as it comes back in, and is chopped in half while entering the station.>Have to grab entire rolls of paper towel while bitch is doing a flawless pippa screaming impression, to a ride station full of people.>Ride gets closed down the rest of my time working there.Now whenever gura talks about theme parks i get extremely uncomfortable.
Pic related is the ride i worked at.