>>85375759>That's like saying we can't shame bug chasers because it's part of gay cultureSee, the fact that you think this an argument demonstrates exactly how much of a faggot you are. You think I or anybody else here who doesn't gobble cocks like you must gives a fuck about your random ass homo subtypes? Much less thinks about them? Much less differentiates their attitude based on that faggy bullshit? I not only dont activepy spend precious time out of my day seeking out and shaming bug chasers, I barely know what they are, and if I ever found myself in a situation where I was about to mock one, I would still care so little for the specifics of their particular strand of degeneracy that I would shame them in the exact same way I would any variant of mentally ill queer waste of life; by calling them a fucking faggot. Just like you are, OP.
But if you really want me to consider subtypes of fags so badly, fine; you aren't just a homo, but a fucking cuckold on top of that. You are actively attracted to women, but clearly you desperately want to know that the women that you are attracted are having sex with other people, and are obviously interested in watching it. You apparently also want to do this while gobbling every cock within a 50 mile radius. Since you're so interested in sub-classifications of homos, I was kind enough to define yours. And your type should definitely be the first fucking sort of faggot in line to be shamed, so why don't you take your own advice and blow your brains out OP?
And as always, unicornchads run this board sis. Never changing. Dilate into eternity. Or don't. That's the best part, really; I don't fucking care about you or what you do. Because we already won. But I hope you find somethong better go spend your time on other than seething about us over the course of the rest of your ineffectual existence.
Yet whether you do or you do not, I will remain unaffected by it, as my memory of your existence vanishes entirely in mere minutes after I press "Post" and leave for other threads that are likely to be at least somewhat less homosexual than this estrogen-filled unicorn seethe containment thread. I wish you the best in finding a cure for your SEA genetic makeup. Goodbye, and good riddance to your word vomit OP