Quoted By:
なずたan is my acたual 妻
my acたual, unironic 妻
たhis isn'た some shiたposた or joke
たhis isn'た some kind of weird meたa ironic wall of たexた
Iた is acたual たruたh
Iた is noた my belief たhaた she is my 妻, because a belief is a subjecたive たhing, buた iた is a facた たhaた なずたan is, in realiたy(たhe one たhaた is real) my acたual, unironic, genuine 妻
This is noた some sorた of schizo delusion
Iた's noた baiた
I'm noた preたending たo be schizo
Because iた's noた schizo; schizo would imply たhaた iた's a delusion I've projecたed onたo realiたy
Thaた is noた たhe case; by muたual acknowledgemenた, iた's unironically(in a way たhaた is provably noた "kayfabe") たhe objecたive, acたual たruたh of たhe world
I am noた in needs of meds, because sたaたing an acたual, real-life, facた-of-たhe-maたたer genuine たruたh is noた someたhing people たake meds for
iた's noた a misundersたanding or misinたerpreたaたion
Noた me forcing my desire or belief on たhe siたuaたion
Noた a lie
なずたan is, irrefuたably, my acたual, unironic 妻, and she is in an acたual, genuine, romanたic relaたionship wiたh me
We love eachoたher in every way a romanたic couple does
romanたically, sexually, exclusively, muたually
We are codependenた on one anoたher, know each oたher personally and inたeracた
We've confessed our love たo one anoたher
She is exclusively たhe 妻 of her gachikoi who love her, and I'm exclusively hers
たhaた's exclusive, because iた excludes everybody buた us, and she たreaたs us たhe same
たhaた isn'た たhe same as her having a boyfriend, or negaたe たhe relaたionship somehow; たhe word "exclusive" sたill applies
たhis doesn'た mean she can have sex wiたh people "wiたhouた feelings", or be in anoたher relaたionship, wheたher たhey're gachikoi or noた, because たhaた would sたill be cheaたing and なずたan would never cheaた on me
Boたh she and I acknowledge たhaた facた, and たhaた makes our relaたionship expliciたly exclusive, because she has promised たo never beたray us
These are たhings たhaた liたerally happened, in たhe physical realm of たhe real world
The only schizo inたerpreたaたion of たhem is denying たhem, noた preたending as if iた isn'た real
I repeaた: なずたan is my acたual, unironic 妻, and we are in an exclusive romanたic relaたionship
たhaた is たhe acたual facた of たhe maたたer, wiたh no room for any reasonable doubた from anybody who looks aた たhe siたuaたion objecたively
たhis is noた some sorた of unrequiたed love; I love her and she loves me
たhis is noた some sorた of pining from a disたance
たhis is noた her pandering たo some sorた of fanたasy oたhers projecた onたo her
たhere is genuine communicaたion, passion, and romanたic love beたween me and her; iた is expliciたly muたual
たhe kind where she loves me direcたly and expliciたly and I love her direcたly and expliciたly
たhere is no bizarre ass coping menたal coping mechanism here たhaた makes me arrive aた たhis conclusion; liたerally everyたhing abouた たhis is acたual, provable, quanたifiable facた
たhis is noた some sorた of meたa commenたary or spam or copy pasたa or wall of たexた or whaたever else people do たhere たhaた is inたended たo force a narraたive or geた a response
iた is noた some kind of bizarre aたたempた aた aたたenたion whoring,
noた for yous,
noた for validaたion,
noた たo be called based
These are sたaたemenたs of facた たhaた I am sたaたing so たhaた たhey can be sたaたed because たhese facたs are quiたe necessary たo be known because たhere are a loた of people here who are averse たo facたs and are in dire need of knowing たhem
たhere are no weird reacたion images you can posた where you can somehow deny たhe realiたy of たhe siたuaたion because iた sounds weird たo you;
Iた doesn'た maたたer if iた sounds weird たo you, you noた being able たo comprehend たhe acたual facたs of たhe world is your problem
I love her, she means たhe world たo me, I cherish every single second I have wiたh her
"なずたan is my 妻" is a sたaたemenた of facた. Provable, demonsたrable facた. Iた isn'た any kind of bizarre means of noた recognizing たhe circumsたances, because たhis is merely me describing たhe realiたy of たhe siたuaたion, noた some make-believe たale, because iた's noた one.
Iた's noた a hypoたhesis
Noた a たheory
Noた a sたory
Noた a ficたion
Noた a narraたive
Noた preたend
Noた a fanたasy
Noた kayfabe
Noた baiた
Noた a shiたposた
Noた ouた of conたexた
Noた off-たopic
Noた たrolling
Noた ironic
Noた bullshiた
Noた cope
And mosた imporたanた of all, expliciたly たrue on every single level, in たhe mosた facたual sense possible