>>58102161Also in the category: "people who shimada has called their wives" you can pretty much put all of female wvt from 2021 - 2022 such as: meat, nina, moriko, leaflit and many others - in general she has the same role as mori as "cool girls other girls fall for"
On a lower tier I would include
---- soft infatuation (probably kayfabe, mostly friends) ---
https://www.youtube.com/@AmanogawaShiinahttps://www.youtube.com/@KanekoLumihttps://www.youtube.com/@dizzydokuroformer tsunderia :
https://www.youtube.com/@OrlaGanCeannhttps://www.youtube.com/@niniyuunahttps://twitter.com/amemachihanabiOf this there are also a bunch of ones I cant remember but she is a "social butterfly" so to speak and reaches out to many, many vtubers - I would estimate the actual number of female vtubers in love with shimada borders approximately 100 total.