>>73306976>SJWs can invent retarded rrats that anybody with a brainstem could see through... and? What else is new? Not only would that kind of transparent reach not work on anyone with a brainstem, but those freaks are literally addicted to spinning anything and everything to fit their confirmation bias regardless, so what the hell does it matter what the imminent suicide statistics think or say?
The actual "dumb sentiment" is thinking what she is doing now is "functionally no different than if she didn't exist", despite the fact that you can't look forward to someone coming back if they don't exist
You're a muppet and just plain wrong, plain and simple. From the typing style, probably the same homunculus who's been having a melty and shitting the thread all night long after losing that argument for the ten thousandth time in a row over several months. Shame you haven't choked on your tongue yet, but it's just a matter of time - if I can be patient for Gura, I can be patient for you receiving your Darwin Award