>>22603739>>22607919The og thread for wactor was named /sopa/ and it started about a year ago, so its already part of Wactor's history. However, as it was the founding tread i think /sopa/ (or just "Sopa") should included as the capital's name.
Regarding /ワクター/ (or the "taka" thread), it is about to become one month old. Its first official thread was made on march 25th (
>>21016956 ), after OP forgot to include the previous thread's title which hid the thread and gave them the idea to make the next one on full katakana. But yeah its still quite new and it isnt set in stone so i'll report if there are updates or maybe just add it as part of the lore and not as a region for now.
Also, I just remembered, but someone proposed a flag for /ワクター/ lol (
>>22274608 ) maybe it could be used for /wactor/ as a whole for now
In any case
>>22655352How do lore archives work? Do i just write something on rentry and suggest it on drive? cause I saw rentry can be edited by anyone so it could be vandalized i think