Good Evening /vtai/!
Hope everyone is doing well, time to push through to the weekends.
But today I will have to bid goodnight at the same time. So goodnight /vtai/!
La+ cosplaying as Henya, but the monitor is facing the wrong way La+...
>>52874226Morning WLanon! Nice to see you are contributing to the tummies quota
>>52879939VERY NICE, WLanon playing the Calamix real smooth
>>52879405Hey there CDB, liking the heart window for the chest there,
>>52873106>>52876799Morning Inanon!
That Ewiwa gota me weak... Ewiwa love...
>>52869425This... I like uniform dola....
>>52870124Ewiwa and the victimgirls style is sick
>>52862518I am a fan of this composition, real cool!