>>73680854>>73774523Let's close out today, we've got a bit to yap about.
Anycolor fails to head out on a positive note, closing out at 2295 (-17). Not only have they hit they're lowest since February again, this is also the first time they've hit sub 2300 since March of last year. They're post lunch activity showed them shooting up to 2320+ before dipping and stabilizing around 2300 before falling below. I'd say that this time they'll close out on a positive note but I'm pretty sure I've said that the last two times so who knows.
Cover continues it free fall as it torpedoes towards 1905 (-70) closing. This is the lowest they've been since May 17th of last year and they're currently 405 away from their initial pricing of 1500. Factoring in the insane volume that was traded today, unfortunately for them I still don't see this free fall stopping anytime soon, I think it's more likely we'll see Cover buy up the stocks and go private once more instead of recovering.
Today's volume:
Anycolor: 577k
Cover Corp: 3.23 Million!
In Financial Board news, some users have been calling for a IR from the company regarding the stock. There have been nothing added to their IR News since the financial report at the time of writing however.