>>69186038>>69191743>>69187312sit on the couch next to wife
she looks at me with those puppy dog eyes
damn she's cute. rub the top of her head "good kiddo"
>giggles heh. she's so cute I wanna punch her. gentle ruffling turns into a nuggie
nuggie intensifies
>oww st-stheh, my knuckles scraping the top of her head make her voice stutter
>ow ow ow ow st- st- stopp p pp itI rub harder, then grab her hair and yank back and forth violently
I blink. how long has my other hand been gripping her throat? wife no longer moving
heh, finally. I pick her up by the ankles and dump her in the bathtub, then leave to fetch the hacksaw from the garage
coming back inside, she's on the couch smiling.
>what's that for?oh, uh. plumbing. there was a gas leak. I fixed it, but it uh... the gas knocked you out.
>yeah my head hurts XD thanks for fixing it babe!