>>61719037>>61719217Ok so here's kind of what I have so far.
>The mouse is an art teacher but she doesn't make a lot of money and starts looking for supplementary work. Not a lot of job options for mice, but she sees that the medical facility is hiring test subjects. A lot of the positions sound really unpleasant, but then she notices one called "Reusable Lab Rat". Not really understanding what that is, she reads the description and it goes something like this:>"Every year, thousands of rats are harmed, maimed and killed in medical testing. Our experiment hopes to put an end to these needless practices. Will you be the one to save thousands of lives?">The mouse has never really been good at anything or useful to anyone in her life, so the idea that she could have such a positive impact on so many lives fills her with so much joy, that she takes the job without question.>Things start to become suspicious however, as the moment she accepts accepts the job, she is taken to a dark room where she's immediately stripped and thrown into a small cage. After what seems like ages, two men enters the room and one grabs her from the cage. With her firmly in his grip and unable to move, he jams a syringe into her skull and injects something into her brain. Blinded from the pain and with a terrible ringing in her ears, she can just barely make out what the two are discussing.>"The nucleus we've just injected will bind to it's brain and keep a recollection of it as it is right now. Any injuries will be healed, any flesh regrown, any toxins removed and any other changes will be reverted after recycling. The worlds first reusable lab rat.">Scared and confused, she tries to understand what the man means by all of this, while reminding herself that whatever it is, she'll be saving thousands of lives. As she's thinking this, the man continues:>"...That is of course assuming the experiment is a success. We'll now proceed to testing the recycling process">The mouse hears the sound of some kind of switch being flipped followed by the grinding sound of some kind of machine. As her vision begins to return, she sees that she's being held above a set of whirling blades in a device that looks like a wood chipper. Before she can think however, the man drops her in.You can probably tell I'm not a creative writer so I hope it wasn't too cringey to read. I really just wanted to get it out so I can improve it from here. Still not sure if I like the "recycling" requirement for her regeneration, but I think it sets her apart from characters like Mai-chan or Akira that are clearly the inspiration behind her ability. Overall, I'm going for a medical-horror kind of feel. If anyone is familiar with old school metal music, I'm a big fan of Carcass taking a lot of inspiration from their lyrical themes.
Anyways that's what I have for now. Let me know what you think!