>>74182806https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2126204754?t=2h8m41s>i was looking at my analytics yesterday actually and only one person found me through "sheep">there isnt much of a demand for sheep vtubers it seems[...discussing first impression of her and how baachis found her...]
>>what stream would you recommend people as a good first impression?>errrrmmm i think that's up to the person... i think that's something you should decide because i dont know myself *laughs*>>the black market karaoke?>Oh. My. God.>i actually need to apologise ...im so sorry *laughs*>i am actually so sorry for... that stream... oh my gooood...>number one, my singing was just not good>number two, i drank way too freaking much>i wasnt hungover after the stream tho>but, i... you know? i let mysel- i let my drunkenness uhm... take over and that probably was really weird for some people >so, if i crossed a weird line, and i made you extremely uncomfortable, pleeeease forgive me >im so sorry... it's so embarassing... > ewww im gonna kill myself...>i was really watching tha- i was clicking through the stream, i did not have the balls,... i did not have the heart in me to actually sit though it so i just clicked through it and literally, the entire time, my thumb was in my mouth and i was just biting!! i was biting my nails, i was literally gnawing at it...>and throughout the day too, yesterday i was remembering, i was remembering part and i was feeling physical pain... like i woul->it's one of those things when you remember an embarrassing moment and you-re like uhh...>it's like you know, when you remember something embarrassing, and you just like pause, and you physically wince and you feel physical pain in you body? that's what i felt! that's how i was feeling throughout the daym, it was so embarrassing [...]
>i dunno im just weird when im drunk, i dunno>like, WHO is that girl? she's cringe... she's a weirdo!!!>>when is the next drinking stream?>FGKFJGFK i mean it's not that i like, DSGBASKF>you know, im just a cool and mysterious girl, and i dont ever le myself show those kinds of more vulnerable sides of me, you know what i mean?>im very cool and mysterious, im very cool and mysterious and when i kinda break my im very cool and mysterious vibes, it's kinda freaking embarrassing you know what i mean?>>her true feelings get out...>whatever!!!>>she didnt mean the end???>NO! i DID mean everything i said obviously, all of my feelings are still very honest >you know what they say, your drunk thoughts are just your true self or whatever, i dont freaking know ... what do they say?>you cant le when you're drunk? you're like your most honest and true self i dont freaking know >so, uh, i...>>did she get shy and start saying she lov->STOP IT KILL YOURSELF!!>I MEAN NO dont do that, dont do that, dontdothat dontdothat. i did not say that i did not say that im sorry *laughs* >you know that i mean, whatever im sorry im sorry...[...]
>>she HATES us>WHATEVER, just read my mind... god! >like, it's that easy, just read my mind>i don't need to tell you straight up, it's embarrassing, okay??>I DID NOT SAY THAT!! stop it, i remember that i did!!!>but anyway i really hope i didnt make anyone uncomfortable, that's the morale of the story>also my singing was really bad that day, i just could not find my voice, i dont know what happened... my throat is not in the best condition>also, my stomach hurt really bad because i had really bad indigestion>>would you rather we not say the same to you?>you know, i got really really cute and kind maros when i was asleep that night >very very very adorable ones very kind and cute ones, i got A LOT and i've also been getting one throughout the you know, yesterday and stuff too >i've been going back through my email thread and just reading them, cause i do appreciate it, and it makes me happy to get, you know uhhhHHHAAAAAA *giggles* it makes me happy to receive messages like that ... obviously, you know what i mean>WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING oh my god im sorrryyyy ...what am i even saying...>i dont know what im saying anymore >>i bet essie rewatches the part where she made us say it back>YOU NEED TO DIE!!! i hate you so much STOP IT stop it *smiling* stop it...>lets listen to the love of this, okay? >stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it im actually, like sweating, you bastards... *giggles*