>>159188>>159430Brotip learning order:
Learn Kana (Hiragana Pro/Katakana Pro works as does pretty much any kind of repetition software), without it you can't do shit.
Then start on a grammar guide like Tae Kim or similar. Most work and most are for beginners anyway. Even the kinda freaky old woman anime avatar Cure Dolly is fine for the first fifteen videos or so.
Simultaneously start reading easier stuff there's recs on the DJT guide. (Yotsuba reading pack has materials)
Anki's core decks are fine for starting out to get a feel for kanji but honestly most people who stick with them past the first 500-900 kanji are wasting their time. The best use of Anki is to harvest your own decks BASED ON STUFF YOU'VE READ/LOOKED UP and adding the actual sentence you read them in to easier grasp the context. (using rikaisama or similar extensions)
1. Kana.
2. Grammar & Reading & Listening.
2a) Maybe do a bit of Anki core decks to get a toe into common Kanji. Drop it before you become one of those rep retards who don't actually consume japanese content with any regularity.
2b) Definitely make your own anki decks with sentence contexts.