>>93363603>eira has been working on this cute essie art for (i missed exactly the timeframe but it sounded like a week/a few weeks), is very sorry it's not of the new design>essie says dead essie really loves her for it>eira's most recent totsu was the first time essie got to participate in a totsu>warriorcats and (i hadn't heard of this before) toontown bonding>the question is... "how did you first get into anime"! again>eira started as a big fan of pokemon>when she first got her computer she looked up pokemon youtube videos and stumbled onto the japanese side of youtube that way>the rest is history>essie wants to know what life is like in wales>"you're from wales that's literally sheepland!">essie also asked about where eira wants to travel other than japan>eira wants to visit the US and look at all the tourist trap stuff>essie wants eira to see the big duck (will post picture of the duck a little after)>another question... "hamburger or hotdog style"??????>eira folds her paper hamburger style>eira feels sad she hasn't been able to talk to essie much due to being a nervous wreck but is hoping to hang out with her more in 2025she did a really wondferful job on this art say nice things about da sneep