Here are live recordings of ironmouses streams from the last 10 days (some twitch vods have muted parts these live recordings are unmuted. i didnt check every vod and just uploaded all that i had in case anyone needs them): vods are still in .ts format so if you need them in mp4 format you need to run the c-copy command in ffmpeg on them. Just copy and paste the following in a command line window if you have ffmpeg installed:
>ffmpeg -i "vodname here.mp4" -c copy "vod_out_put_name_here.mp4"Id normally run it on these vods myself before uploading them but these are 50gb in vods and this will take forever to do so on my raspberry pi so i skipped that part this time as i still have to clean up my nyan vods from the past 10 days and do a quick check if the recordings are working as intended.
If you just want to watch these vods any video player should be able to run them in .ts format. i just personally prefer to have vods in my archive in .mp4 format.