Take 3
Cleaned up the tags a lot, added another ~40 pieces of fanart, adjusted the network dim (thanks
>>53948072 !)
I think this is it and I just need to figure out the best tags & best epoch. Maybe I'll go back for one final pass on the tags, particularly to add '3d, flat color' to her stream screenshots, and then bake again
>>53947718 >>53947824It was 50 screenshots of stream with ~10 pieces of fanart. I missed a lot of art, actually, I thought she only had the 12 pics on danbooru. She actually has a load of skebs, and fanart, and she even drew herself a few times
> we can help you with referencesAppreciate the offer but it's so much faster to just do it myself than to coordinate an effort with anons (but, if you were the requester, consider providing some images next time)
>>53975708 >>53975638shit these look great. catbox?