Hello everyone I hope the start of your week is going well. I'm doing solid, so lets hit up a /lig/ vtubers live, monday edition!
Numi: Just chatting now, Horror games later
>https://www.twitch.tv/nihmuneINeroTV: Dunno who they are but their Model is Small and they are playing Eternal Return
>https://www.twitch.tv/lnerotvHexella: Another new face Black Desert Online
>https://www.twitch.tv/hexellaJowol: Figure building stream
>https://www.twitch.tv/porcelainmaidSpofie: Final fantasy 14
>https://www.twitch.tv/spofieMegalodon: She's finally been partnered and is debuting a chibi model
>https://www.twitch.tv/megalodonvtHannah: Just chatting, also her new model is sexo.
>https://www.twitch.tv/hannahhyruleKirsche: Osu
>https://www.twitch.tv/kirscheKokonuts: Mario Party with Naggz
>https://www.twitch.tv/kokonutsElly: Whispers in the west
>https://www.twitch.tv/ellyenArielle: Just chatting
>https://www.twitch.tv/arielleMiwo: Cat girl ASMR
>https://www.twitch.tv/miwoinksiee: Just chatting
>https://www.twitch.tv/inksieeEros: Fear and Hunger
>https://www.twitch.tv/erosLisa: Music review
>https://www.twitch.tv/chikafujilisaReiyu: Dave the Diver
>https://www.twitch.tv/reiyuguiguiJets: Armored Core 4 U
>https://www.twitch.tv/jeanfaymasPren: Baldur's Gate 3
>https://www.twitch.tv/prenOverEZEggs: Art
>https://www.twitch.tv/overezeggsRenniesaurus: Baldur's Gate 3
>https://www.twitch.tv/renniesaurusLyra: Baldur's gate 3
>https://www.twitch.tv/lyraNyaru: Team Fortress 2
>https://www.twitch.tv/nyaruchuuuMaia: Valheim
>https://www.twitch.tv/maiaRoseibellMoo: Not familiar with her but nice model, playing baldur's gate 3
>https://www.twitch.tv/rosiebellmooSilvi: Dark Souls Remastered
>https://www.twitch.tv/silviPicky: Reading Maros right now
>https://www.twitch.tv/pickychannelFanguu: Echo Night 2
>https://www.twitch.tv/fangguuand more are live on the vtuber tag on twitch
https://www.twitch.tv/directory/all/tags/VtuberModay night's are usually a slow day but Tob will be waking in a little bit and Meat usually streams Mondays like clockwork. Regardless of your viewing decisions I hope you liggas have an excellent night.