>>90437392 (me)Besides these, we can also prove that this God is triune:
>in reality, we observe the multiple of things, meaning that the uncaused cause must have been of multiples also, but it can't be more than 1, otherwise we'd have more than 1 uncaused cause>for a complex relationship, at least 3 persons are requiredConclusion?
>God is eternal, all powerful, alive, conscious, personal and emotional, triune(one being that is split into 3 distinct persons, but each of those person is also 100% the uncaused being, while also being in relationship with the other persons)This God is exactly the god that the bible talks about, on top of that, we've also observed that the bible is in line with reality
Hence, the bible's description and account of God must be true and reliable, and the bible claims to be the following:
>the word of God and breathed by God, thus also eternal and unchanging, because the words of an eternal being can't be subject to changing over timeBut is this supported by facts? Well, the old testament of the Bible is the most well preserved ancient text we have(that is because they can't for certain claim that it was unchanged scientifically, but from the different versions that we have, we know it to not have been changed) and as for the new testament, all historians believe it to have not been altered since it's been written, that being true for all of the books of the new testament(e.g. For all 4 gospel accounts)
With this, i have proved the bible to be reliable
Thoughts? See you in a few day, probably