>>5289177>Is Cain dead?In oWoD? Nah, he's still around somewhere. He showed up in Gehenna: The Final Night, althouogh that's not canon. He was the taxi driver in VtM: Bloodlines, although WW says he isn't it was clearly the plan by Troika. So Caine is still kicking.
The girls aren't playing oWoD though, so I'll ramble about Cain in nWoD instead. Cain isn't as much of a thing in nWoD as he is in oWoD but he does still feature in a couple of places, but his major role is the the Cainite Heresy.
In Ancient Rome, when the Camarilla was in power, there was a heretical Christian sect created by a mad vampire called Vitericus that believed Cain was given immortality for the murder of Abel by God. With it became the Lord's prophet and voice throughout the ages, he was the one who lead Lot out of Sodom, he was Isaiah, he was Jeremiah, and when Jesus was on the cross he gave Jesus' blood to Longinus and gave him the gift of vampirism. Notably he's said to have spoke through Jesus and that most of Jesus' advice was actually to make people into easy prey. Becuase while man is made is in Abel's image, the Kindred are made in Cain's and so it is the will of God that the Kindred prey on the meek for it as the will of God that made Cain kill Abel. That's at least what the inner circle of the heresy were taught, and the rest of the heresy were basically taught a version to keep the cattle in line. This all went incredibly badly for Vitericus. His cult staked him and sliced his head off.
In the modern day the Cainite Heresy still exist as a Hunter Conspiracy. It'll come as no surprise that their main prey are vampires. They're a pretty rag-tag bunch compared to most of the other Conspiracies, they're very mobile and have a large focus on transport. The few static safehouses they do have are in places like subway tunnels, but most of them are things like train cars or trailers. They're also notable among Conspiracies in that they don't really give a shit about their history at all, the only history they do have is this. The mark of Cain was the curse of vampirism, his greatest act of defiance was finding a way to pass the curse onto the dead. Cain still lives as the only true living vampire and guides his children to this day.