>>11379870>>11379870Neither have I. I maybe haven't read a book in maybe 2y. But sometimes it just comes to you
In describing a scene, you have to paint the picture enough for the reader to visualize the image without being either too descriptive (A book of text describing a flower) or too little (A sentence describing cup noodles)
Take this image for example. Without opening it, just imagine.
A girl with silver hair sat in front of you, a soft smile on her face. Her breathing was hot and heavy after a long day snowboarding out on the mountains, shown by her hot breath fading into the cold air. Her short silver hair fell to her collar bone, wet and sticky with sweat. As she began to undress, more and more hot air radiated off of her toned body, dissipating into the frigid wind. A black bra stuck to her sweaty body, hugging her endowed chest, beads of sweat dripping down to her midriff. A silver piercing sat in the center, sparkling in the crisp daylight.
Catching your eyes wandering down from her waist to her hip, she beckoned your attention upwards, pulling up her sports bra ever so slightly to entice you. Enough to tease you. To want to feel her warmth in your hands as you gripped her hips and pulled her closer to you. To want to feel her hot breath on your neck as you embrace, her chest pressed against yours. An urge so utterly primal...
Now open it
Another thing about describing a scene is never feel that the first draft is the only draft. you can go back, move things around, add things, subtract things, divide things, multiply things (within reason). As long as the image you're hoping to translate matches up with the vision your reader comes to, that's your goal
And also read through things multiple times. Not just for typos or spelling mistakes. but the overall flow of things. Flow is important. it must be like going from a lake to a gentle creak to a calming river