>2022>open up an EN vtuber stream>*CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP* "LET'S GO DUDES">"JUST GIT GUD BRO">"YOU MAD SON?">"LOOK AT THIS DUDE">"OH NONONO">"MAN THAT WAS SO CURSED UGH I'M CRINGING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT">every song stream only covers hip hop songs by gay biracial rappers who sing about breaking up with their gay white boyfriend>talk streams alternate between meme reviews and discussing their Xanax addictionThe orange dragon was a mistake for opening the floodgates to this shit. EN boys are going to be epic 2D Jerma-wannabes and EN girls are going to be epic 2D meme queen edgy shitposters. I can't wait for the bubble to burst so that a good replacement for
justin.tv finally emerges.