>>81415140>>81415351>>81415589Being an adult male nowadays and actually having your whole personality be 'whoaaaa i haaate women bros women amirite fellas?? haha meming about how bad women are is just as funny as the first time as I heard it over twenty years ago lmao women = bad LOLLL' is cringe as fuck tbdesu
if you are not some oldfag millenial or boomer saying shit like this it means you are literally an absolutely retarded faggot just repeating things like this to try to fit in with the ebin and cool 4channel people who are all fucking losers who wasted their youths with their own autistic retardation when you could be making something out of it and not being such a spaz
there's no excuse for being an actual zoomer type person and repeating this tired 'women amitite???' demotivational psyop shit, it's old and passe and there are clearly women chuubas that disprove claims like this instantly such as Korone
zoomers are so fucking over this whole 'seething about our own personal failures way into our adulthood and asspatting ourselves with 'well at least we aren't wammenz' shit that millenials on this site do and I'm tired of seeing this on this board/site in general, it's fucking embarrasing to be quite frank desu
git gud yourself and stop whining faggot and there's nothing special or challenging about bideo games you fucking dork ass loser