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Otsonny!! Humm what a day... Started my evening with zomboid, finally a group with a proper objective (even sonny threw a little shade, likely in jest): a long expedition out to westpoint to get mainly ammo. He informed us he would be more in collab mode today, went to join the group and was promptly met with the joke that will never die, thank you willy. Some prep was necessary before they set out, still with considerably less dilly-dallying than usual— though I enjoyed sonny trying to wrangle the girls a bit since I always like that commanding voice he uses sometimes heh. Get food, walkie talkies, get all geared up, see that everyone has a working car, and soon enough it was time to go. Funny dynamic of this group, you have what are ostensibly da boys, then millie the token girl autist, and enna, tagging along with said girl autist. That isn't to say she was a detriment to the collab, she just never struck me as the kind that would take to this game. Funnily enough, we'd run into our first roadblock (no pun intended) after some time on the highway with the wonderful car wrecks of zomboid, and a car spawned under Enna's of all people. Thank you sonny for helping her out KEK. Things also started to get messy quick once they actually got into town. Already pulling out guns and molotovs that further drew the attention of the dense horde of undead in the area, not as if they could just run away after they'd come this far for loot. I still can't believe wilson of all people was the first to die... with millie following soon after. Honestly, things weren't looking great at this point, but sonny and alban managed to persevere and take on the undead by themselves as they moved further into town, leaving a trail of bodies in the snow for the others to follow as they caught up. Things only got more dicey when they made it to the police station, but later on the other two members reunited with our group to help them take out the masses. Intense as fuck but fun to watch... this is truly the peak zomboid experience. Fortunately things calmed down a bit once they'd cleared out the majority of the area and they could start claiming their loot (sonny's reaction to his car bugging out was hysterical though). Police station, bar, gun store, all sorts of good stuff to be found here. Also, Sonny has an interesting dynamic with volleyball boy, he's a little kusogaki huh? Still gonna take me some time to get used to it. ...But please do not drink and drive. Sonny did end up getting bit while scouting out the hotel a bit later, honestly I'm surprised he wasn't the first to die. Wilson getting bit the second time was kind of funny though, he was so fucking mad... with seemingly everyone getting injured in some way, the gang both became a bit more reckless and also depleted a lot of the ammo they had just collected, determined to hit just *one* more building before they started heading back. I think things defo could have ended a lot worse than they did. Luckily, they managed to pack up their things and made it back before anyone turned (and in time for willy's meeting). Even if Enna was (somehow) the only one to make it out unscathed, I'd consider this a successful heist. Ah sonny, always the most willing to suicide first. Fun collab, he was very cool and reliable and there were a lot of silly moments despite the intensity. More to come later!
The zatsu this morning was a neat time as well, I am still not nihongo jouzu so I was mostly reliant on the few anons translating some but I'm glad it seemed to go well. I wonder if this was part of sonny wanting to do more zatsu collabs... dunno if they mentioned who invited who. In general, the topics appeared fairly surface level which is unsurprising— anime, food, language, nijiEN etc., did feel somewhat like conversing with a child KEK but I'm sure alban's JP is fine. I think it's funny how they have similar use of filler words, and them pondering over vocab together at times was cute. Not much more I can say about it all, but while short it was a fun little time, maybe it'll give alban more confidence to do his own JP zatsus in the future. I think he'll find that his many lurking nihonjin viewers are more than willing to offer plenty to talk about (or he already knows, I don't watch him a ton so I'm not sure how much he speaks jap in his usual solo streams). Either way, JP voice drama would be interesting. Thank you both, I hope you can achieve your goals in the future!
Little sad this new VP is yet another one sonny's skipping out on, but in general they're much better when he either writes his own scripts or at least edits the provided one to be less stilted/generic; if he just can't be bothered to do that I'm not as pressed about it. Please sonny... next one for sure. He's still gonna try and pop in for a bit of the next zomboid collab and also wants to finish sherlock in mengen soon, which I am looking forward to. Rest well sonny, I do love you too and I'll see you soon! o7