>>5426368In all 12 years of being here I havent seen a general like this , its speed is unlike any other general to ever exist (it has been the fastest thread in all 4chan by a lot ever since EN debut, outside of special events and releases ofcourse) and brims with funny shitposts and OC. Any other thread is fucking slow compared to this one, only the gacha generals in /vg/ are the ones next in line in terms of speed by half of this one.
Seeing Gura's crying of happiness after the Dante's video fills me with a dreadful void feeling of what the future holds, its going to be sad when it eventually starts falling down, we are already seeing glimpses of burnout for some holoJP girls and losing Coco is definitely bringing down a pillar which we will probably be seeing repercussions soon. But honestly I can definitely say this has been the best period I have ever been in 4chan.