>>34358724Please understand that Kiki is objectively a dumb person. Even if all yabs may be forgiven, she keeps making more.
- /wvt/ and /koopa/ dislike her because she said she "never betray them like Koopa did".
- /yah/ dislikes her for reasons already told.
- /pcg/ dislikes her post Pippa incident.
-/aeg/ dislikes her for her involvement with a certain pyscho ex mod, or to be more precise, her reaction to it.
- Holobronies dislike her because now the cool thing is hating /here/ vtubers.
- /ggg/ dislikes her because the events with the gura copycat loli
- Any one who does research on her dislikes her because of the sheer amount of skeletons in her closet.
The only people who like her in this thread will only do so until the next yab, which will inevitably happen because she can't keep her mouth shut, and then they will have to begrudging admit that maybe not everyone who gets schizoposted is a victim.
This is more common than you think: A certain frenchman schizo managed to get all the way up to /yah/'s oshi because he was being schizoposted in their thread by /wvt/. Professional contrarians often get hoist by their own petard.
While viewers might still give her a chance, other vtubers might be reluctant to add her to her circle. Even if she were to be innocent of every single thing she's accused of, someone who befriends targets of hatred often become under attack themselves. It is only the smart move in this business to distance themselves from someone who keeps getting in trouble.
Her best choice is to keep doing solo content and hope her numbers are good enough one say so everyone is willing to forgive all the red flags, like what happened with Bungo Taiga.