>>45359413I will take a look. Since I'm not 100% sure on the watermark decode script I grabbed
it returned a string with a bunch of null bytes - i.e. no watermark I searched the entire source repo for "imwatermark" and "watermark" and found no hits. So at least they avoid that particular egg on their face.
I did find this searching "seed" lel and just remembered that there are actually HIDDEN options in the .vue source
the only bit of this I can easily understand while just skimming it that were meant to give the user OPTIONS for "which style" they'd like to use to obfuscate their art. As in "what flavor of AI vomit would you like plastered on your images to protect your art from the AI"? kek. It's in SDOptionsDropdown.vue
<span v-if="!elements_hidden.includes('target_style')">
<div class="options_title">
<div class="options_title_box" style="width: 200px;">
<span>Target Style</span>
<span class="options_desc">The target style used to protect your art. </span>
<div class="options_input" style="width: 200px;">
<b-form-select v-model="options_model_values.target_style" id="target_style"
:options="['AUTO', 'Oil Art', 'Pixel Art', 'Pointillism Art']"