Quoted By:
My name is Lottie Shinju
I bet you think I'm sweet.
Despite my bubbly surface
Something dark lurks underneath.
I'm kind and sweet and silly,
At least that's me by day.
But come the night, the hunt begins.
I stalk my Lads as prey.
I follow them through alleys,
I chase them through the streets.
The Lads all fear the sounds of my
Approaching sandaled feet.
And once I've set my sights on you,
Don't try to fight or flail.
I'll pin you down, and take a bite,
Then peg you with my tail.
He-he relax it's just a joke,
A harmless prank, a jest.
I'd never harm a Lad, you see?
Nor would I molest.
Okay that's not exactly true.
Right then I may have lied.
Sometimes I lose all self-control,
the kaiju comes alive.
These bestial thoughts can come on quick
Right when you least expect them.
My tongue yearns for the taste of Lad,
My tail yearns for their rectum.
And so under the Hunter's Moon,
The lotl stalks her prey,
I cannot rest 'til I've had flesh,
Roast Lad served on a tray.
And so I feast and feast some more,
To placate feral urges,
Until the kaiju's satisfied,
And Lottie reemerges
Relax, you have no need to fear,
Nor recite prayers and hymns.
Recall that Lads regenerate,
And regrow all their limbs.
So if I take a bite or two,
That hardly counts as sin.
You'll soon be back to your old self,
With fresh new gills and fins.
Now leave your worries in the past,
And tune into my stream,
We'll have some fun, we'll have a blast,
We'll draw and chat and sing.
And you'll have such a lovely time,
That soon you will forget
The night the lotl crept behind
And caught you in her net.
And as past traumas quickly fade,
Hid back behind a veil,
You'll wonder why your eyes are always
Drawn right to my tail.
You can't say why it comes to mind
When you see it wagging,
That tails are good for swatting Lads.
But also good for pegging.