>>2765329>>2768427Aki is in a VERY weird spot right now but has the best chances out of the Blonde Sex Trio
Her reddit boost is worth shit because it's reddit, those people know no japanese and right now she's actively suffering from it. I've clicked into her latest Urabanashi-Stream out of interest what happened at Coco's because Coco feels fun to hang around with and will befriend you if you like AEK.
Spicy stuff she told was her walking in on Coco naked with no reaction from Coco, followed by them sleeping naked together in the same bed since they both have a habit of doing that. Aki now plans a naked collab with Coco because, as she put it, "Coco would say 'yes' before she'd ask 'why naked tho' ".
That was like 20% of the stream. 80% was her struggling to understand (but quite nicely read, admittedly) absolutely bottom of the trashcan tier english superchats from exactly the kind of people OP talks about. And she reads them as they come by habit. I'm sure that scared some JOPs away.
Why do I follow Aki? I am a heavy drinker and really enjoyed her with Lamy and Noel getting shitfaced with Aki telling her stories of puking all over the Ticket Gate in "virtual Shibuya" after a heavy night out.
Summed up, Aki is in a kind of Flare position right now, just with the baggage of her fans being primarily EOP bandwagoner faggots or really dedicated JPs who don't mind the EOP spam.
YAGOO, new Roboko model soon pls...