>>10034691>>10033786>>10032570>>10031505Why are zoomers so afraid of what other people think about them? Unless you hate yourself there is no reason to hide yourself. Dude at my job reads manga on the office pc and nobody would dare make fun of him, because he's confident. That he looks like a male model might also help.
Literally stop caring. If people would rather ostracize you because of a niche interest that they can't invest 2 minutes in, then they're not worth your time. People like that will, by simple association, try to fix you even though you aren't broken. Ask yourself, why do you like the hobby? Is it any despicable reason? Or is it just natural for someone with your experiences to like it? How many other people like it? What does it say about them? Is that even relevant as long as they and you are having fun?
Last bit of advice: people can only make you feel like a weirdo if you let them. Turn it around on them instead. Ask them why they dont know about the newest entertainment sensation from Japan. Refuse to elaborate (if they ask loaded questions). Don't stutter. You know what you and your oshi are worth.