chinks wanted Hololive for themselves.
chink government tried to tax the utter shit out of Hololive for streaming on b2,b2 tried to tax them also, it ended up being a stupid ratio like 35% for the chink government,35% for b2, and like 20 or something for cover,and the talent themselves got 10%, which was also taxed by japan, leaving them with basically fuck all.
That's if they wanted to do it with out a domestic partner, OR they could establish a partnership with someone in china, which totally wasn't the bug version of vtubers that totally didn't want to steal covers tech to use for themselves, and not be taxed out the ass.
Coco was a convent distraction at the time cause she opened her dumb mouth and became a diversion while Cover told china to fuck off and axed the entire bug branch.
Also from what I understand b2 is under different management now, which is why Cover is even considering streaming on them again, can any one confirm or deny this?