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Ah I see we're at the "Well niji bad cause a bunch of bitter fucks who left said they don't like it anymore" of the "drama".
You lost btw. Dokifat is blacklisted from corpos and the company is still going strong, but hey I'm sure False's next scoop will be THE ONE.
As for your cherrypicked examples, well we don't we actually tell the truth.
Wanted to be a seiyu, during her time with niji she was huge, niji made her rich, she failed in her ambitions and is now a sad husk.
>Chitose and Melissa
Both wanted to be singers, wanted more control over their music, that doesn't fly in a corpo, so they left so of course they had no future
Who knows with him, he's just doing facecams now, very pretty dude and left all his stuff up so it couldn't have been that bad, sounds like more bitterness now that he's a failure outside of Niji.
This was due to wanting to build a case against her stalkers, she cant work, its affecting her=court case, its why roa lost her case, she released birthday merch and some voice packs, so clearly SHE wasn't affected since she could still work, fucked up but it is what it is.
Bad example, 6 fucking years in the company, its only natural she wanted to do something else.
KR management issue, anycolor failed here in not reigning them in earlier.
Bunch of lazy fucks that had everything handed to them and still failed miserably to capture a market.
>EN bullied
Mysta was a faggot that wanted to be a react tuber and use his real face, Nina was a drunk menhera that hated the additional work, Yugo just wasn't ready(he's so much better now and admits as suck) and Zaion was a poor fit for a corpo world and fucked herself, as for Selen, just LMAO, imagine taking the word of a BPD lunatic at face value.
Its cute how you monkeys wanna use other livers now to support your claims, end of the day, most everyone that graduated or left is a failure and they're mad about it.