>Reposting cause anon in last thread told me to, and Yuu is important>>35482927Thing is what exactly separates an AI from a human?
We learn from listening to other peoples words, phrases, languages, etc... and then "remix" that into our own speech. We're better at it yeah, but at what point would YOU consider an AI to be "sentient"? What makes it OK when we learn our speech experiencing it from others, but not ok when AI learns its speech from an online database? I guarantee almost everything you've said before you've heard first from another human. Every phrase, word, sentence, etc... is just a remix of what you've learned and stored in your head. Why is it any different when an AI does the same thing but with tangible data?
It's a question we're going to have to ask ourselves as a species really damn soon. What do you anons think? When exactly would you say your AI powered waifu has become sentient? What would an AI have to do for you to say "Ok, you can't pull the plug on her. She's alive."
Also, friendly reminder to read Believe Machine