Kaela and Sana are done for today but this is a special note that you really should check out this VOD if you missed it /hlgg/. Kaela's one of the few Holos (outside of her Gen) where Sana really let loose with the teasing and bantering and Kaela bit right back with her own quips and jokes. It was such an incredibly fun collab filled with Kaela having the best of luck one minute and then the worst of luck the next. It's sad that Sana's leaving but at least she's leaving us with so many memories to remember her by with all these amazing interactions through collabs.
https://youtu.be/EoeS2ZdQd7AMonsters fear her. Candy also fears her. Hell, even horror games fear her, but for different reasons because Luna is so precious that even they don't want to see Luna break her neck again due to her spooking. In this hunting stream you've got the strongest princess upgrading her arsenal, making a brand new Dual Dagger set to slice and dice her opponents with the greatest of ease in a super chuuni and dorky sort of way. She's also playing with Lunaitos so if you want to game with your princess then you better suit up!
https://youtu.be/KGjqcQhl0R4Get down and boogie /hlgg/ because the grooviest, cutest, most talented sheep in the entire world is holding your favorite time of the day WATAME NIGHT FEVER. Watame's singing is the perfect thing you need to get through a rough day, or even if you're not having a particularly tough day, listening to Watame sing is enough to uplift your mood to even greater heights. Grab your penlights and let out a big, hearty, GO WATAME GO!
https://youtu.be/jwi0GyTiLEcMori's fake brooklyn accent is still as horrible now as it was the last time she used it. VA-11 HALL-A really brings out the best side of Mori as she gives each and every one of the characters an incredibly outlandish voice that's honestly downright hilarious to hear. It's surprising how into this game's story she is but it's refreshing to see her just enjoying things wholeheartedly and not holding anything back, no matter how cringy you think she sounds. Mori doing fun things makes watching Mori fun, it's simple mathematics.
https://youtu.be/37duppH7mCwFlare's giving her fingers a good work out...by playing Holotyping! What did you think she was doing you fool. Hearing Flare sound out everything she sees on the screen in this outfit is insanely adorable and she's got some fairly quick typing skills! If you wanna see this intellectual elf beat the absolute piss out of meat, then hurry up and head over to her stream right now, give her some cheers and encouragement!
https://youtu.be/2SsdS_UMAGsRepair, Recycle, Rebuild. That's Moona's motto as she plays an ungodly amount of Rust once again simply because she's and Kaela have become addicted to Rust. And with their addiction comes other Hololive members being addicted and soon everyone you know and love will play Rust /hlgg/. Your oshi and that anon's oshi and even the Anon who likes to crawl on the wall, yeah that one, his oshi is going to be playing Rust too. They'll all enjoy themselves building, dying to bears/turrets and beating the piss out of trees all over the world. You cannot escape. You cannot stop it.
https://youtu.be/8TxZIV8LNmkI bet you feel like chilling out with the coolest Hawkmama in the world don't you. Lucky for you this cutie is using her 3D Model to hold this zatsudan session right now and being incredibly cute. You should also watch her Hologra debut as she managed to successfully scam Aki due to her charms and nice butt.
https://youtu.be/Bo0yP-3cRssIf you're just looking to chill out to the sounds of a Holo thanking supachats and going off on all kinds of tangents, there are multiple Supachat Readings for you to kick back to. IRyS in particular has a buttload of them due to these being the supachats she got during her Anniversary and Reine just got back from smashing her brand new keyboard playing Holotyping, so she's in good spirits right now.
https://youtu.be/rmoQ3BVQt5kHaachama just felt like providing you with an incredibly comfy and sleep inducing Minecraft session over on Twitch. She's even speaking English right now so you guys don't feel left out on understanding her. Ojisans such as yourselves really require a lot of rest so your already falling apart body doesn't degrade any further, even though your old age is definitely going to make that an uphill battle.