Hey guy, asking for some assistance here. My archive diving skills are pretty lacking, and I'm currently trying to find the thread where this image was first posted (mostly out of curiosity.) The earliest I can find it posted is February 3rd, on this post
>>17658328 through the same image function on warosu. Now I can only assume that either the image originally posted was slightly different and that's why it's not being caught as the same image or warosu was down at the time - and nyafuu's replacement currently doesn't offer searching with /vt/ at the moment.
The reason I'm confident it isn't the earliest posting is because A: nobody reacted to it and B: there's this post here
>>17603884 talking about the "TRUE JOHN TITOR" screenshot and how it doesn't describe anything (much like this one does).
Any anons here who remember when it was first posted? Potentially any keywords I can search, or an exact post number? Any help would be appreciated.