>>26476227>don't really have one but I generally like off the wall tangents like koopa'sI love watching Koopa but sadly our timezones differ so much ;; I still remember her streaming Umineko and barely got anywhere due to all the tangents... it was such a fun stream!
>no, I think that's bad because it creates a bad mindset for the streamer ("I bet they just watch me out of politeness") which should never exist, if you don't like a stream don't watch itI sometimes worry about this but I think I need to stop thinking that people are pity-watching me...
>generally games that I like or games that the streamer knows enough to make them fun to watch, so like knowing when to take risks to make the stream entertainingThat's really nice to hear! I like listening to people who aren't struggling with a game but it's really fun when there's something like Noita and the person knows the game in and out and can manipulate the game to their advantage.
>if it's a game I like that they're new to I'm more inclined to watch just because I want to see how they adapt but usually I like it more when they're comfortable with it because it cuts time on having to get familiar with itOne of my biggest fears is playing a game that is too complex for me and being stupid about it on stream while failing to be entertaining...
>if you start out kayfabe heavy then you should try your best to maintain it, if you don't then don't try to force it if you're not good at it. I think kayfabe is different from streamer lore which is basically memes that get integrated into their persona, you can have a streamer with no kayfabe but a lot of lore and vice versaThis is a super interesting take on it! The difference between lore and kayfabe, I never thought of it that way haha!
>>26476696I really hope she's doing okay...
>I don't want a zatsu to have structure, it's better for the conversation to flow like a river and not like a list of bullet points. Doing something like art or a relatively mindless game like Animal Crossing works pretty well to provide the most basic of structure so you have something to fall back on if the conversation dries up.I agree! Games that I'm very familiar with I can usually talk pretty unhindered during but I really enjoyed the Kyoto rain-walk stream I did a while back. It was nice just chatting about things and looking at funny videos on YouTube.
>It'd be a lie to say no, someone once rushed through a long game in a few days and I got burnt out on those streams really early on. If it were anyone else I wouldn't have bothered watching at all, and if they do something like that again I'm not sure I'd bother even with them.I totally relate, I prefer regular, shorter stuff because I have a very strong FOMO so longer streams really don't work that well for me...
> I don't think it matters either way in general but if you're going in blind, you'd better be interested in letting chat backseat you to some degree. I know some people get real hung up on that, "don't ruin my first experience" but you know just play those games off-stream man. I love to see someone experience my favorite games for the first time, I don't love seeing someone ram their head into a brick wall for three hours because they refuse to let chat tell them how to move forward.I've gotten more comfortable with this actually. But I also don't mind being spoilered on movies I haven't seen either. I think when I've gotten older I don't want the freedom to explore and mess up because it's a bit of a waste of time, imho. I want to go through the experience smoothly...
>Maybe this is controversial but I don't want to watch characters where the real person never shines through. Like yeah say you're working at a magic shop instead of saying you stock shelves at a Walmart, but if you're always "on" then why am I watching you play Minecraft instead of writing a proper fictional story?I don't think it's controversial to be honest! I feel like I've degenerated a lot since I started streaming... but it's more than I've gotten more comfortable with myself and others and I know what I can and can't joke about more.